On 9th November, primary education students from the University of Northampton went to Standens Barn primary school where we had our first STEM to STEAM international collaboration day.

DlaB Erasmus International Collaboration Day

Helping with the class focusing on ‘experiencing’ size, in the morning, the students up-scaled butterflies by 10 times,

Working with our project partners from Belgium, Norway and Denmark, we completed a fun-filled day of activities focusing on ‘size’. Each partner school had a class focusing on size through ‘seeing’, ‘hearing’ and ‘experiencing’.

DlaB Erasmus International Collaboration Day

Students sketched the outline and added detail to their butterflies from the pictures provided.

Helping with the class focusing on ‘experiencing’ size, in the morning, the students up-scaled butterflies by 10 times, sketching the outline and adding detail to their butterflies from the pictures provided.

Afterwards, the students designed and sketched their own butterflies.

In the afternoon, in groups the students created their up-scaled butterflies using different materials including paper plates, wire and tissue paper as well as cardboard. Whilst doing this each student tried using the green screen, creating a class report of what they had been doing throughout the day which they thoroughly enjoyed doing as for some it was a new experience.

DlaB Erasmus International Collaboration Day

students created their up-scaled butterflies using different materials including paper plates, wire and tissue paper as well as cardboard.

At the end of the day, students had the opportunity to talk to a class in Belgium discussing what they had done throughout the day including how they made their amazing butterflies.

This was a great opportunity to see what school was like in a different country.

The students had a fun-filled day and look forward to being involved in more collaboration days in the future.