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What if the sea level rises? Exploring language and culture in a future setting online course
During May 2019 we ran another FREE online course titled What if the sea level rises? Exploring language and culture in a future setting. This course is now freely open for anyone to access.
Visit the What if the sea level rises? Exploring language and culture in a future setting course page for further details and to participate.
It is a free, interactive and participatory online course which focuses on curriculum opportunities arising from our themes:
- Exploring problems that need to be solved within our lifetimes: preparing for a different future.
- How are we going to be able to live and work if the sea level rises and whole areas are flooded?
- What if the boundaries of geography and language dissolve around the world?
During the course, we suggest activities and ideas and encourage you to try them within your teaching.
After you have put into practice your chosen ideas, you can then share your experiences and swap tips and advice with other teachers and practitioners within our active MeWe community
This course follows on from our successful two previous MOOCs, which are both still open if you wish to view the content – STEM to STEAM online course held in 2018 and the Technology Outdoors online course held in 2017.
Project Details
News, Articles and Events
International multidisciplinary communities in teaching
Through development work at UCN teacher education, Aalborg, in collaboration with Howest UC, Belgium, Østfold University College, Norway, and the University of Northampton, England, experience has been gained with opportunities and challenges in a teaching where the elementary school includes collaboration between students across of national boundaries.
eTwinning projects
eTwinning is the community for schools in Europe. eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, [...]
Collaboration and communication in eTwinning projects
Please see Collaboration and communication in eTwinning projects
Digital Leaders Across Boundaries
Please see the Digital Leaders Across Boundaries blog.
MOOC Development and delivery approaches
Please see the slides online at MOOC slides - MOOC development and delivery approaches
What happens if the sea level rises?
Desperate for help, people from the future had sent a letter back in time. Can the children help? A write up of the activity from Seminarieskolen, Denmark, Dlab year 3
To see all resources, please visit the Resources page >
Below is just eight examples from the Resources Section which contains Lesson Plans, Case Studies, Examples, and Further Reading related to the project themes and sub-themes. To see all resources, please visit the Resources page >

Super senses, Klarup Skole, Denmark – DLaB Project Day 3
The lateral line system of fishes is examined from many different angles. Students are paired together and each receives a rainbow trout to examine. They first study it from the outside, before they start dissecting it.

Moving to space, Klarup Skole, Denmark – DLaB Project Day 2
Programming robots to scout for resources and information about the newly colonised planet

Size matters, Klarup Skole, Denmark – DLaB Project Day 1
Exploring the basics of scaling and getting students to draw their own version of a bee, but about 20 times larger.

Exploring the science behind different types of sounds
An exciting day where the students explore the science behind different types of sounds.

The Marshmallow Catapult Challenge
The popular Marshmallow Catapult Challenge, ran at the STEAM Big Bang 2018 event with the University of Northampton at Silverstone Race Circuit

The Eldean Experience – STEAM, Nov 2017
Stacey Ramm, a teacher from Duston Eldean School in England and part of our STEAM network has shared these slides describing a recent STEAM week at the school.

DLaB STEM to STEAM day 2 Middle School Bruges – Experiencing team
Dividing the class into two to experience STEAM

The Earth is going to be hit by an Asteroid! An example of experiencing STEAM
Digital leaders studying Primary Education from the University of Northampton went to Standens Barn primary school where they completed a fun-filled day of activities focusing on ‘space’.