Topic Progress:

You have now seen five case studies, examples and lesson plans all related to Outdoor Science.

Please now choose one theme to focus on. For example ‘Climate Change’ or ‘Measuring and Learning About Velocity’. Whatever you choose will be the only theme to focus on for the next two parts of B:Create/Reflect and C:Share.

Within B: Reflect you can choose between two tasks (30m each):

  1. (more general) – reflect on your teaching; how could you change your way of teaching in the future  implementing what you have learned in this module.
  2. (more concrete/ specific) – prepare a lesson plan (1-2 lessons) based on one of the units from this module and reflect on that.

If you have chosen 1. you may wish to think about:

  • What experiences do you already have?
  • In what areas would like to stretch yourself?
  • What new skills do you need to learn?
  • Who can help you?
  • What resources do you have to hand?
  • Can you arrange to access any new resources?
  • What themes are coming up in your curriculum?
  • What else do you need to think about?

If you have chosen 2. you may wish to use this blank lesson plan to help you develop your ideas:
Lesson plan template

When are you going to run this lesson? Make plans to put it into practice.

After you have completed this, click on Mark complete below to progress.